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Friday, November 1, 2013

Best Foods For Weight Loss - Great List of Foods That Can Shed Pounds Fast!

Did you know that there are actually list of best foods for weight loss? Did you know that these foods can actually help you shed pounds? Get all the details below...

Are you heading to the grocery store now? Then you'd better take this checklist with you so as to be sure that you are only going to get the kinds of foods that will help you lose weight fast! You heard me right! There are foods that can help you get your ideal weight. This means no more hunger pains or crazy food cravings!

Below are the kinds of foods you need to eat in order to get that hour glass figure over this weekend!

- Eat hard boiled eggs in the morning but take only the whites of the eggs. This is rich in protein and can help you feel full throughout the day.

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How to Get Out of a Weight Loss Plateau

Hitting a plateau right when you're doing everything in your power to lose weight can be the most frustrating thing about losing weight. You're doing it all, counting calories, exercising and drinking water, but the weight has stopped come off.

I hit my first plateau about six months ago and I just did not know what to do. At that point I had lowered my calories and was working out about 45 minutes six days a week. What was I doing wrong? What I found out was shocking!

I was eating too few calories that my body had begun holding onto fat thinking that I was starving. My body had adjusted to my daily calorie count and only burned the calories that I was consuming. I didn't realize at the time that I needed to eat more!

I did my research and found out that I needed to be eating a lot more protein and a lot more food in general. I needed to boost my calorie intake once a week to continue losing weight. I never would have guessed that eating more would be my key to continued weight loss.

I started following a new diet that requires a weekly "day off"." This "day off" makes sure that my calories are boosted once a week which keeps my metabolism running on high speed. This new diet was recommended by a close friend of mine who I would consider a health nut. She is long, lean and stunning. Would following this program get me a body like hers? I wished!

I gave it a try and found that within a week my weight loss plateau was a thing of the past. I stopped counting calories and started following eating off of the list of green and yellow light foods to continue losing weight. This list of foods jump-started my weight loss and satisfied my cravings like nothing I've ever tried before. I started doing some weight training and within a month I could actually see results.

I couldn't believe it! I was eating more food now and losing more weight! The trick is this: I was eating the right foods! Foods that burn fat and boosted my metabolism, and the best part was the once week day off required for jump starting my weight loss even more.

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